Day 4 is the big finale – and we’re off and running early with soundchecks in the Church Grounds for the Fabulous Flinders Fringe finale produced by the magnificent Sally Baillieu. I’ve had to forgo the Colombian brunch with Joshua Searle and Emily Childs-McCulloch and Danny Lacy In-Conversation at the Flinders Hotel to double as rockstar wrangler/stage manager for the finale. Just a little change of hats for our stellar line-up of new and emerging artists, some already well on their way, along with a few cameos and crowd pleasers to bring everyone together over a picnic lunch.
It’s a finely tuned team with our wonderful volunteers keeping all our wheels on and the stage running like clockwork as we roll into our first act, Whistle & Trick, and this time a tropical emu called Melindu has turned up so Frank the Friendly Monster can have a sleep in. Reasonable, it’s hard work being a friendly monster. Then it’s local girls Natasha Kate and Emmie Li, who’ve been honing their craft at the wonderful Music Industry music school in Rosebud, and they’re followed by some jazz classics Summertime and At Last delivered exquisitely by the extraordinary CC Dewar. CC makes us hold our breath and wonder where that voice comes from, and also how long it will be until we don’t see her again for dust…
Then it’s local girls Natasha Kate and Emmie Li, who’ve been honing their craft at the wonderful Music Industry music school in Rosebud, and they’re followed by some jazz classics Summertime and At Last delivered exquisitely by the extraordinary CC Dewar. CC makes us hold our breath and wonder where that voice comes from, and also how long it will be until we don’t see her again for dust…
Then it’s a Trio of Thorns – Bonnie, Fiona and John – dipping further into the jazz songbook with incredible aplomb, before the divine Kee’Ahn takes the stage with their soulful R&B and pop rhythms, infused with powerful First Nations songlines. It’s a beautiful way to close out the first half of the show and as the food trucks, ice cream and Etch sparkling vans keep on keeping on we re-set the stage for the second half…
And it’s the mighty Street Requiem Choir that files onto the stage to reprise the extraordinary musical work co-created by Dr Kathleen McGuire and Andy Payne, along with Jonathon Welch. Kathleen is a superb choir leader and watching her lead her 40-strong choir, with Andy front and centre, it’s an absolute joy as I slip quietly into the back row to join in the Gloria chorus. Hosanna!!
Next up the Dreamhouse Theatre kids have offloaded the moo-suits and are testing out their improv-storytelling skills, stitching together random words sourced from the audience and creating a narrative on the fly. It’s silly and fun and full of theatre-smarts. And a gift for a generation of local kids who are daring to dream. Dreamhouse is another creative iteration of the truly brilliant Carole Patullo, who had a very full dance card during Fringe. Brava Carole, what a gift you are to our creative community. Shine on you shiny Dreamhouse kids… Next act please.
A swift stage left exit makes way for the stage right entry of two thirds of the Mornington Improv Collective and the duelling maestros Poul Grage and Anne Norman. After yesterday’s dawn serenade, today’s performance is a soaring and skilful syncopation of bamboo fluteand percussion, riffing and rhyming and rhythming through a free-range composition. The unspoken language of music forming a neurological superhighway between two masters of their craft before our eyes. It’s magic. And then…
The Sea Wolves are ready to howl one last time. And they have just enough left in the tank for one last performance of the signature tune Power of the Pack. What a triumph this show, these stories, these people saying yes to the lifeline of possibility and no to fear and inhibition. These four shows at Fringe have been transformative for an entire community and the ripples, well the ripples… watch this space.
Last to the stage is the mighty Jess Hitchcock, a formidable First Nations artist descendant from the Torres Strait and PNG. Accompanied by Christian Barbieri on guitar, Jess is a superb closing stanza to a three-hour extravaganza – her beautifully crafted songs reminiscent of her work with Paul Kelly, but stepping proudly into her own genre-defying power. Jess sings us out the last notes of a truly Fabulous Flinders Fringe Finale, and it’s a perfect end to a beautifully curated afternoon.
But there’s still a little life left in this indefatigable Festival. And there’s just enough time for a quick jump off the pier and then it’s back to Bowlo for the Wrap Party and some music from local songmen James Kelly, Matt Kelly and Charlie Owen on slide guitar. The room is full of those happy, sated smiles, basking in the afterglow of the business of show. What a truly magnificent few days in Flinders, community coming together, holding each other up, celebrating creatives and howling at the moon. What an absolute rolled gold triumph.
Thank you Melissa & thank you Claire – and everyone you brought with you. You have built a big, bold, beautiful thing that is so much greater than the sum of its parts. You have swept us all up in your infectious inspiration, and left us with cups overflowing…
Thank you to the Flinders Fringe partners and supporters: Mornington Peninsula Shire, the Flinders Hotel, 3MP and liveMP, Peninsula Sotheby’s, Bev & Frank Agosta, Flinders Bowling Club, Flinders Golf Club, the Flinders Cove Motel, Flinders General Store, Rahona Wines, Balnarring and District Community Bank, Peninsula Pilates, Flinders Osteo, Flinders Community Association, the Friends of Flinders Fringe and the generous donors who want to remain anonymous.
And to the performers, creatives and everyone who came and bought tickets – and our mighty VOLUNTEERS! This festival is what it is because of you!
After months of meticulous planning, magnificent curation and a magic-filled four days – let the records show Flinders Fringe 2024 – A Howling Success!! Thank You FFF24, see you in 2025!